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For latest V2 models:
  1. The decrease in temperature depends on the relative humidity and the air temperature when the unit is in Cool mode. In the case where fan speed is high, when the Cool icon is pressed, the fan will first drop to the lowest speed for 30 seconds before resuming the speed previously set.
  2. Humidity control - When the Humidity mode is turned on, and the relative humidity is over 85%, the status light on the panel will blink and Cool mode will turn off. When relative humidity is is below 70%, the Humidity status light is illuminated and the Cool mode is turned on again.
Locating the power cord for 28EX model
If you have the XL size 28EX instachill, please see below to locate the power cord.

All the models of the Instachill work on the same concept. However, there are different sizes available for you to choose from depending on your need and area in your house you want to cool. Please refer to the specifications below-

Here's a video that will show how you can clean and maintain the Instachill-