Rock N Fit

Rock N Fit

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Note: The Rock N Fit has a weight limit of 100kgs and is not suitable for pregnant women or people with some pre-existing medical conditions which include electronic medical implants or pacemakers. We also recommend that you consult your doctor if you have any existing medical conditions.

The Rock N Fit exercise chair is an advanced piece of equipment for athletic consumers to integrate into their lifestyle when seeking out a simple, effective way to train their body each day.

Integrated with vibrating technology that will intensify your workouts, the unit works in just 10-minute intervals each day to help with a wide array of different techniques. This could include planking, stretching, back and forth swings and much more that will accelerate results thanks to the advanced design of the unit.

The Rock N Fit exercise chair has a vibration rate of 560-times per minute, while using the unit with resistance bands can accelerate your training experience for a more intense workout.